MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
b. New Feature – Ability to export term dates (no shows, etc.) as a calendar script for direct imports to calendars (Outlook, Google, etc.). MCCB needs to know what file formats are needed. CSV is easiest. Marie Roberts made the motion. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion Passed. c. New Feature – Ability to filter instructors based on term. MCCB notes – Ive will need to create a query by looking at courses and terms to which the instructors are assigned. Marie Roberts made the motion. Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed. d. Attendance – This vote will be tabled until next month after we receive updates regarding Attendance/Audit from CIRE group and MCCB. 3. MELA Policy and Procedures Manual – Updated P&P and digital voting form will be sent to group with suggestions/concerns made by Admin Committee for discussion, if needed. Please review and vote by Tuesday, April 17 th . 4. SmarterProctoring 2.0 Migration – Jennifer James made the motion to postpone migrating to SP 2.0 in May. MELA will move to the new system when requested functionalities are provided. The new system is currently a step back from the old system, and functionality was traded for aesthetics. The new system does not have exam sync, and requested features are nonexistent. Kimberly Ellis seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Open Forum
1. SmarterProctoring 2.0 WebConference – See Shalon’s notes for concerns/questions. See Action Items for vote concerning the May migration.
Future Meetings –
Wednesday, May 9 th 9am, Virtual
Wednesday, June 13 th 9am, Virtual
Adjournment 2:12pm
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