MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00 am
Approval of April Minutes
Buffy Matthews made the motion/ Chris Square seconded. Motion Passed.
III. Approval of May Agenda – with addition of the ET Attendance Feature Discussion/Update
Michele Mitchell made the motion/ Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion Passed
Unfinished Business
a. Questions on the P&P
i. Page 9, #8 – “colleges must agree to test MSVCC students….”
1. Krista stated that the wording came from criteria for reimbursement. There was concern that the statement wasn’t strong enough to ensure colleges were testing when they should. She was open to suggestions on how it should be reworded. Keri stated that the statement should clarify that if you are participating in a particular term, you should follow the proper protocol for proctoring. If you are not participating in a particular term, you do not have to proctor.
ii. Page 9, #9 – change Enrollment System to Enrollment Tool
iii. Page 21 (missing periods)
iv. Page 22, #4 Syllabus – wording about Course Information
v. Page 24, #b (instead of sent, use uploaded)
New Business
a. Erica Battle: Dissertation Student
i. North Center University (online university based out of Phoenix, AZ) PhD Education student, Erica Battle, is completing her dissertation research on “Agile Learning vs. ADDIE”. She will be researching online learning environments in online education and
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