MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
what potential models could be used (waterfall method, etc.) She has already gotten approval to do research through the CIRE group, but is waiting on her university’s IRB approval. She is asking for ten research participants to participate in research. Data collection will consist of interviews and a site location visit at Jackson State University.
b. Krista LeBrun:
i. SmarterProctoring Contract Update (30 day clause) 1. There is a consensus that the group is dissatisfied with the SmarterProctoring service. 2. Krista reached out to ITS, which handles contracting/authority to grant authorization to purchase. We have the option in our contract to discontinue service (30-day clause). ITS legal group would have to initiate this process. Once that process is initiated, there is a complete loss of service. ITS takes 6-9 months for procurement, so we would lose service. All future communication with SmarterProctoring needs to be written. We are not required to stay with this vendor. We can look for an alternative solution that is sole-sourced, and pilot that product to expedite the procurement process if we want to move forward with this potential route. 3. BVirtual has been bought out. Smarter Services guarantees no loss of service for summer; however, no resolution for Fall. 4. Smarter Services has allowed us to stay on Legacy for Summer, but will force us to the 2.0 version for Fall. They assure updated features will be ready for Fall. They have encouraged us to continue to pilot 2.0; however, none of the features requested are there to test yet. ii. Contracts to Review (1) Link-Systems and (2) Respondus. 1. Respondus -- By the time of the annual retreat, the group will need to vote on if they want to continue the services. It will have to go through the ITS process. July 31, 2019 contract ends – but we have to work a year in advance. We will have services this fiscal year. 2. Link-Systems – billed for hours used. $507,975 allocated for online tutoring, $75,000 for RTR. The Instructional Technology Committee is looking for an alternative system. ITS Board/Procurement process will have to be completed. We need to look closely for an alternative, because we are paying close to $600,000 a year for this service. 3. Tish requested usage reports from Respondus & Link-Systems. Krista stated that Respondus does not provide usage reports (she has requested multiple times). Link-Systems can provide a local report – Krista will send directions on how to pull those usage reports per school.
iii. Instructure Contract Update
1. 5-year extension is complete – ITS board/contract is finalized. Invoice will be paid in the next few months. The contract for 5-years is a little over $6 million.
iv. MILD Grant update
1. Tish is leading the MILD Grant Initiative. Members of the MILD Grant Committee may reach out to schools with questions. Krista will send purchase requisitions to the MCCB Finance division, and payment to schools should be issued around July 1. v. ELITE abbreviation 1. Acronym was created for the eLearning and Instructional Technology (ELITE) group at the MCCB. You will see this acronym on future correspondence and within the P&P
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