MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
d. Brooke Doggett
i. WebEx Trainings 1. After the last NWN/WebEx training (May 4 at 10 am) session it became evident that Spark isn’t ready to use. We have not seen how Spark will integrate with Canvas, how to add users, and how to group them. 2. We have a new NWN representative (“DJ” – Damian Todd) – coming to MCCB on May 21 from 10 am – 12 pm a. Brooke will send out information regarding the training, and a
spreadsheet. Food will be provided. NWN eLearning Admins and an IT representative should come. Discussion will be about proof of concept, and any other discussions regarding Spark. (Update: Brooke sent email on 5/9 regarding the meeting) b. BB Collaborate will continue to be used for Academy training in the Summer. c. WebEx is in the MELA course – we can start using it for MELA meetings in the future to test it out.
ii. Academy Evaluation Report 1. Lynne has put together some hard data that shows the different evaluations for Academy courses and webinars. Hard data will be given at the end of the meeting, and an official report will be given at the end of this fiscal year. Some webinars
may have lower results – for example: ADA Complaint isn’t as much fun and engaging, but is very important. So, remember that when looking at data.
e. Lynne Oliver:
i. eLearning Newsletter (ELITE Newsletter) – will be sent to ELCs, and ELCs can forward on to whomever they would like (Presidents, Instructors, etc.). Lynne requested that each college send information to highlight your department and/or instructors. Upcoming conferences, Academy trainings, updates, etc. will be included in the newsletter. The archived newsletters will be put into the MELA course.
Action Items
a. Elections:
i. Secretary (Nominated: Ashley Beard and Marie Roberts) – elected Ashley Beard
ii. President-Elect (Nominated: Denise Gillespie) – elected Denise Gillespie
iii. New roles will be effective August 1.
Open Forum
a. The Instructional Technology Committee has one more tutoring product (TutorMe) to demo. Tequila will send out information to the group to attend. The MELA course, under the Committee Resources module, has a vendor comparison chart for everyone to review.
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