MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
vi. Update on P&P from MACJC (if Dr. Huebner has any to share with me at time of our meeting.) 1. Dr. Huebner is vetting the P&P document with Presidents. Some grammatical and clerical updates were given. More dialog will continue, and updates will be given. 2. President’s will be reviewing the MSVCC funding formula. It will likely be a legislative agenda item at their meeting in June at Butler Snow. a. According to Keri, Hind’s President mentioned that the MELA group would be discussing the funding formula – but we have not been charged with that task as of yet. Krista will get clarification from the MACJC to make sure they do not need anything from our group. 1. Surveys still exists for shared students in the ET. However, data doesn’t need to be lost for students not in the ET. Krista is looking for solutions, and CIRE members may be reaching out to the eLearning departments to find out exactly what we need for surveys. Discussions with the CIRE group can help us move forward with seeing how we need to conduct future surveys. i. SmarterProctoring Updates – see notes above from Krista LeBrun. In addition, SmarterProctoring hopes to have Exam Import ready by June 1 for testing. Shalon will let us know when it is available. ii. Attendance Tool Updates and Demo 1. Shalon sent a Word document (editable) for ET Attendance directions for ELCs and Instructor Roles. 2. Attendance Tool Menu button now exists in the ET 3. Instructors are not required to complete a separate ET audit if they are taking attendance in the ET. 4. ELCs can take attendance now for courses. But they cannot complete the audit for an instructor. a. Buffy requested that we get this in writing from Raul as documentation. Specifically to CIRE group, Presidents, and eLearning Offices. Shalon will speak with him again about a date that he can send this out. (Update: email from Shalon was sent on 5/10/18 with an official word from Raul) 5. Ive is still working on the ability to extract data from the ET Attendance piece to push to SIS. It will not be ready for the Summer. a. Many schools are requesting a clear ETA for updates from Ive. 6. Request for Drop listing – only ELC Role can see this – you can sort by hosted or provided students. a. Schools that aren’t using this feature must tell instructors not to click it. eLearning Offices should run the report to spot-check to see who is clicking on it. It is “all or nothing” feature, and cannot be turned on/off for schools. Many schools did not want this feature and will continue with emails, many schools saw benefit in this feature. There was a mixed discussion for a length of time about different colleges’ procedures. 7. Ive is working on getting notifications for attendance tool – if you have a Request for Drop you will get an email. Ive is requesting a single email address for each school to send notifications to schools. Send your college’s email address to Shalon.
vii. ET Surveys
c. Shalon Farris:
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