MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
1. Attendance Tool Feature Requests (See Action Items for Votes) 2. Feature Idea: Automate Request for Drop report so students automatically got to the Host Request for Drop Listing (Other CC Requested Drop) based on the number of absences received. 3. ET Roles and Permissions: Brandi will send the most recent version of the roles/permissions document to Shalon. We will need to decide on needed roles and permissions and move forward to Ive with one concise document. Question from Hinds regarding grades – ELC and Registrar both currently have the rights to edit grades. Vote will be needed to push these rights to the live environment ASAP. 1. FY18 MSVCC Academy Data Report: Academy has grown tremendously since FY15. Brook appreciates the usage of the Academy; 156% participation and 283% offerings. Facilitator ratings are good, and Brooke goes over ratings/comments with each person, if needed. Ratings and responses from facilitators determines whether or not they continue teaching for the Academy. Overall satisfaction is 96% for webinars. Course satisfaction is 98%. There were a few disagree/strongly disagree on webinar and course surveys, but no comments were provided to elaborate. Hinds has super high participation in the Academy, as well as the top three participants in the state. Will rebrand the catalog, but training and quality will remain the same. Thanks to Brooke for all she has done to help the Academy thrive! 2. Reminder: Quality Committee Meeting after MELA Meeting A. Attendance Tool Feature Requests 1. “LDA submitted” column to see when it was submitted/requested. Requested by Holmes. Seconded by MGCCC. Passed. Motion for title column “Date Requested” MGCCC, Hinds seconded. Passed. 2. JCJC made motion to include “Request Drop” button for reinstated students. Hinds seconded. Passed. 3. PRCC made the motion to have an email generated when students reach the maximum allowed absences to warn them of their status. MGCCC seconded. Passed. 4. PRCC made the motion to have Grades auto-save upon being selected (like Attendance) so instructors do not have to hit submit. Hinds seconded. Date submitted would be the date the last grade was entered. Passed. 5. Holmes made the motion to fix the “bug” that causes a request for drop to remain open unless it is processed specifically from the report. This will ensure the report updates regardless of where the request was processed in the ET. MGCCC seconded. Passed. 6. Hinds made the motion to cut off the right to identify a no show or request drop after the deadline on the consortium calendar. PRCC seconded. Passed. Action Items
C. Brooke Doggett
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