MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Kimberly Ellis
President Elect ICC
Denise Gillespie
Ashley Beard
Call to order 9am
II. Approval of July Minutes-Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the July minutes, Marie Roberts seconded, Motion carried
III. Approval of August Agenda—Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the July agenda, Marie Roberts, Amanda Hood, Tequila Sunrise, and Joseph McKee seconded, Motion carried
Unfinished Business
New Business
A. Shalon Farris: 1. ET Feature requests status updates. Reviewed all past minutes to make sure no
requests were missed. Comprehensive report of requests presented.
a. Heather Guest—Attendance Tool Feature Request--Add “Date Requested” column to allow the ELC to see when a LDA was submitted and to give a time frame of how long it has been since the LDA was submitted and is still an “Open” request. Notes from MCCB: Ive mentioned putting the number of days since the request was submitted, rather than putting the actual date the request was submitted. This was suggested since we are running out of space, and a single number would be smaller than a date. Ive is going to try to put the month and day to see how that looks. Update : Month and day has been added. Status: Complete. b. Ashley Beard—Attendance Tool Feature Request—Allow instructors to submit a “Request for Drop” for reinstated students. Notes from MCCB: This should work for anyone reinstated after the date the code was put in place to correct this. This code was put in place in July 2018. For anyone
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