MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
reinstated prior to the date the code was put in place, this might not work. It should work for the Fall semester. Please submit a Help Desk ticket if this continues to be a bug. Status: Complete.
c. Kimberly Ellis—Attendance Tool Feature Request--Email students when maximum allowed absences for a course, automatically send warning notice.
Notes from MCCB: Ive’s recommendation is not to do this because of the potential to send the email to the wrong person accidently. He also mentioned that he does not want the ET to be an email system.
Follow Up: Could a report be created to extract student email addresses for the students who have reached the maximum number of allowed absences?
Follow Up from MELA Meeting 8/15/2018: The consortium mentioned that when the Attendance Tool was first being discussed, they were told that they could get email notifications and anything needed to help with the attendance process. The ET already does some email notifications (such as for status updates). Because of this, the group is asking Ive to complete this request for the email notifications. Shalon will follow up with Ive on this request. Status: Not Yet Started d. Kimberly Ellis—Attendance Tool Feature Request--Attendance manager currently auto-saves resulting in instructors thinking Grades submissions auto-save as well. Can Grades auto-save at the time of the most recent submission? Notes from MCCB: Ive suggests to not do this. Ive mentioned that the process for grades and attendance are different. For attendance, you start by marking all as present. For grades, you select separate grades for each student. In order for auto-save to best work, you must first set all values. For example, similar to the Attendance Tool, you would need to assign a grade to all students such as assigning them all an “A”. Currently, the purpose of the submit button is to make sure that all grades are assigned. Follow Up from MELA Meeting 8/15/2018: This issue seems to affect the majority of schools and seems to be causing issues with lots of instructors. Would it be possible to auto save once the last grade is entered? Shalon will follow up with Ive on this request. Status: Not Yet Started.
e. Heather Guest—Attendance Tool Feature Request--If a drop is NOT processed from the “Request for Drop” report, the request has an “Open”
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