MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Notes from MCCB: Ive’s recommendation is not to do this because of the potential to send the email to the wrong person accidently. He also mentioned that he does not want the ET to be an email system.
Follow Up: Could a report be created to extract student email addresses for the students who have reached the maximum number of allowed absences?
Follow Up from MELA Meeting 8/15/2018: The consortium mentioned that when the Attendance Tool was first being discussed, they were told that they could get email notifications and anything needed to help with the attendance process. The ET already does some email notifications (such as for status updates). Because of this, the group is asking Ive to complete this request for the email notifications. Shalon will follow up with Ive on this request. Follow Up from Ive 9/10/2018: Our email system is not in house, so that is why Ive prefers not to do email notifications if possible. He can do this but does not recommend it. In order to complete this, Ive has a few questions: i. Is this email for students only or should anyone else receive this? Answer: The student and the teacher should receive this. ii. How would you want these emails to go out? Would it be automatic and immediately after the maximum allowed absence is selected for the student? Would you rather have a button once the max absence is selected asking the instructor if he/she would like to send an email notification to the student now? Do you prefer this to email go out on a set schedule (example, once a day, once per attendance period, etc.)? Answer: This email should go out one time automatically as soon as the absence is entered. iii. How often should this email go out? Immediately? Once a day? Once per attendance period? Answer: This email should go out one time automatically as soon as the absence is entered. iv. After receiving one email, should the student keep receiving the email each week/each time the emails are sent? Answer: No, the student should only receive the email one time. v. Please provide specifics, and Ive will try to complete it. The way that Ive approaches the programming on this will be based on the answers provided. Additional Notes from MELA Meeting 9/14/2018: The Admin Committee will create the wording for this email and will email to Shalon once complete. The group is aware that if emails are sent automatically as soon as the absence is entered, there is a possibility of a teacher entering the absence incorrectly and the email being sent to the wrong student. The group does not foresee any issue with this and had rather the students receive the notifications rather than not receive the notification at all in hopes of improving retention. If a student does receive a notification incorrectly, the
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