MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
eLearning office and the instructor will handle the questions that may arise from the student.
2. Currently, the Attendance Manager auto-saves; however, when instructors submit their grades, they think it auto-saves as well. Instructors are forgetting to click the Submit button. Can the functionality be the same for both Grades and Attendance? Can Grades auto-save upon being selected? This feature was previously voted on but needed additional information. (This feature was previously voted on but additional information was needed).
Notes from MCCB: Ive suggests to not do this. Ive mentioned that the process for grades and attendance are different. For attendance, you start by marking all as present. For grades, you select separate grades for each student. In order for auto-save to best work, you must first set all values. For example, similar to the Attendance Tool, you would need to assign a grade to all students such as assigning them all an “A”. Currently, the purpose of the submit button is to make sure that all grades are assigned. Follow Up from MELA Meeting 8/15/2018: This issue seems to affect the majority of schools and seems to be causing issues with lots of instructors. Would it be possible to auto save once the last grade is entered? Shalon will follow up with Ive on this request. Follow Up from Ive 9/10/2018: This can be done, however, Ive does not recommend this. To Ive’s knowledge, instructors can change grades up until the point when the submit button is clicked. Grades are already saved without the submit button being clicked. Clicking the submit button is what populates the date on the Assignment Review/List Course page and locks the grades so the instructor cannot change them. Please provide Ive with the details of the problem that this is causing so Ive can provide possible solutions. Ive thinks it may cause some confusion to instructors if we set it where it auto saves grades after the last grade the instructor enters. Follow Up from MELA Meeting 9/14/2018: The group confirmed that instructors can change grades up until the cut-off date. The group is asking that the following be completed:
Remove the “Save” button from the “Grades” page and auto-save the grades. Once all grades have been submitted, please populate the date on the Assignment Review/List Course page.
3. ET Feature Request (New Request)—When looking at all courses your school is offering on the public MSVCC site that is populated by the ET, the group would like to add a tab to see which courses have been pulled in for their students. Michelle Mitchell made the motion to recommend changing on “Main Menu” to “Master Listing” and to add a “Course Offerings” tab that includes the college’s offerings plus what is pulled in from other schools. Jennifer Leimer seconded. Motion carried.
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