MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Call to Order. 10:00am
Approval of December Minutes.
Michele Mitchell made the motion to approve the December minutes, Tequila Sunrise seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of January Agenda
Nancy Parkerson made the motion to approve the January agenda, Marie Roberts seconded. Motion passed.
New Business – Enrollment Tool Usage Discussion A. SIS Information Banner – (7 Colleges) Holmes, Itawamba, Meridian, MS Delta, MS Gulf Coast, Northeast, Pearl River
Colleague – ( 2 Colleges) – East MS, Hinds, Jenzabar (2 Colleges) –Coahoma, East Central, Other (3 Colleges) – Copiah, Northwest. Southwest PeopleSoft (1 College) - Jones B. Placement of Courses in ET
ECCC - Course file easy to load into the ET – want to watch enrollment numbers to see if sharing changes. Want to let things run as they have, as see what is most in demand, evaluate instructors to see which ones should be in the MSVCC CoLin - eLC is new. Data is easy to collect from the ET. SIS is harder to retrieve data from. PRCC – can’t make changes to processes at this time. IT is Ellucian. Meridian – plan to put only courses that have been pulled in the past. Any class with one section will go into the ET to help boost enrollment numbers. Small staff to free up paperwork. ICC – Unique classes will continue to go into the ET. Will have to figure out how to send files with Banner, etc. NEMCC – wants to keep everything in the ET so she can maintain MSVCC policies and not have instructors/students question things. C. Calendar Use Coahoma will use the college calendar for online courses not in the ET. -NW asked Coahoma asked if they pull in courses how will they know which calendar to follow. Joseph said students will know all native courses will know to follow one calendar, and any pulled in courses will have a different calendar. They have many dual enrollment students also, so they want them following the college calendar. MGCCC – they considered instructors teaching multiple online courses and didn’t want them to have multiple calendars to manage. Hinds didn’t want multiple calendars to confuse students. They wanted all online classes to have the same calendar .
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