MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
D. Proctoring
Courses that are only in your SIS are not considered MSVCC courses. How will this affect proctoring services? MGCCC - As long as your facility is open, you are following the P&P if your proctor center is open and available. 90 cents per student funding formula change affects technology use. May require State Board to redo the Dropout Detective and Smarter Proctoring contracts if more people use it. Which are MSVCC regulated? ICC – may have to require appointments because they are losing funding. Anytime there is a cut, if affects personnel/staffing for proctoring. NW – faculty are told on the front end that they have to proctor their course exams at least twice per semester. This helps with having a high demand of proctor services available. NE, EC, and Holmes will not put local students in and adjust seat counts as needed. MGCCC asks how to know if the class is full to pull it in. Holmes recommends that we all look at different ways to circumvent this. MCC – not putting anything in the ET that will not make. For example, if a class only has 3 students enrolled they will allow it to make (meeting with all online instructors to explain policy and procedures. Instructors will not know until the class makes). Course Requests for MSVCC – ECCC slammed with requests to pull in courses during add/drop period. All textbook requests have to be done 2 weeks ahead, so she does the same for online requests for MSVCC courses to have a cut off date for pulling in. Hinds – everything will be in SIS. No instructors in ET, no attendance or maintenance, etc. Would free up ½ of someone’s job, basically. Only students in the ET will be in pulled in courses. Run courses 5+ enrollment. Meridian – asked about MSVCC virtual fees. Many schools have MSVCC fees. Instead, they will specify an “online” fee or “virtual” fee. Action Item: Survey for fees charged. Hinds – Considering 3 options: #1) 50/50 plan (15 seats in 1 system, 15 seats in another); #2) 1 full section in the ET (outside students) and one full section in SIS (inside students); #3) Generic course (syllabus, faculty credentials will be a challenge – and find sections and fill sections afterwards – without turning anyone down). Will students have to duplicate registration efforts? SIS and ET? - Copiah sees duplicate efforts
E. Self-Registration (PRCC, Jones, CoLin, EMCC) Will you still use Self-Registration?
F. Placement of Students in the ET
G. SIS Files for Enrollments H. Outside Students in SIS
Built “Non-degree virtual community college student” (not included in audit, AR balance tables, anything!) and put in bare-minimum information about each student. Student gets a Hinds ID and alternate ID number as well (the ID number from their college). Allows for local attendance, local grades, etc. I. Attendance Requirements Colleges are split on how they will complete attendance.
Duplication of Instructor Duties
8 colleges will have to duplicate; 2 colleges will not; 5 colleges maybe.
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