MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Kimberly Ellis
President Elect ICC
Denise Gillespie
Ashley Beard
Call to order 10:04 am
II. Approval of October Minutes- Kim Harris made the motion to approve the October minutes. Michelle Mitchell seconded. Motion carried
III. Approval of November Agenda—Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the November agenda. Keri Cole seconded. Motion carried
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Krista LeBrun—National Consortium Models
a. Purpose to explore what other consortiums do—ILCO— funding based on statewide average tuition plus .5 of statewide average per credit hour—FY18 charged $130 per SCH for a shared course to cover fees and tuition. Invoicing is done once a semester. Out of 48 community colleges only 24 participate in the course sharing model. They have a membership fee of $500 annually; they do not do sharing of purchasing which covers the salary of invoice management. b. Wyoming—brand new consortium. They are hiring someone at the state level to take care of tech support and purchasing assistance. c. Will attempt to reach out to Michigan. Krista asked for assistance from Canvas reps to get the word out to talk with other colleges.
2. Krista Lebrun presented the MSVCC 2018 Annual Report which focuses on consortium leadership, committees, and how we function as a consortium. MELO information is based off of FY19 quote, so Krista showed the difference of purchasing individually vs through the consortium. Consortium price is $401,000, and $1.4 million if purchased individually. All contractual services are listed and will be presented to Dr. Stewart and placed in MELA course. Let Krista know if anyone would like to add anything.
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