MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
FY20 Priority List—Tish asked why MELO was given so many slots, but other services were not; this is not a true comparison since other services were not itemized Krista—In regard to the FY20 Priority List, items in yellow are considered most valuable; blues are “maybes”; greens and orange are ranked as those that would be cut if needed. For SACS, online library services must be provided. Funds are available to retain current services for the next year while decisions are being made for the future. 3. Krista Lebrun—CFTTC 2019 FY2020 Projected Expenditures—we do have areas that we can reduce, such as CFTTC as our average allocation is $35,000 per year which covers 2 registrations per school, 5 finalists hotel, award, and prize money, food, and preconference. Preconference is no longer scheduled as the structure of CFTTC has changed. We could potentially reduce the CFTTC budget to $15,000. For FY18, $58,000 was the actual expenditures for MSVCC Academy; requirements can be put in place to help reduce the budget.
Open discussion: Are enough schools attending due to scheduling conflicts with midterm. Is CFTTC still meaningful to the group? The MCCB IT division plans the conference but MSVCC pays for it with no input in the agenda, speakers, etc. $7 Million is allocated towards Ed-Tech appropriations. MSVCC gets $1.865 Million and the IT division gets $1.594 Million. Each school receives MILD Grant funds that can be used to cover attendance for schools who wish to participate if we need to reduce or remove the CFTTC budget. Tish—CTE, Workforce and IT wanted to combine with our conference for better rates. Presenters lack presenting valuable information to MSVCC; instructors can’t attend due to falling right before spring break.
LISTEN TO RECORDING 4. Shalon and Krista—JAMS Scheduler (software for Ive)
a. Ive needs additional software to manage ET processes. Shalon shared information for the group to think about. This software will allow Ive to monitor processes. This software will notify Ive or Shalon if automated processes do not run successfully. SEE SLIDE FROM SHALON & Quote b. ICC has attendance piece working correctly—Listen to Recording
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