MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
-Only for instructors teaching native online AND an MSVCC online course. -If grades can be pushed to the ET from the SIS, there will be no duplication. Or vice versa. Hinds – online instructor hiring freeze. Why hire when you can pull in and make more. Holmes did the math on profit: $309 (FTE $2,479.33 per student (full time 15 hours) \\ 30 = $82.64. For every hour x 3 (hours) - $247.93 (1). Split 75 and 25. You get tuition regardless. Example: But Hinds will get $309 for developing the course, and Holmes will get $185 + tuition for the student (clerical work, putting him in the class, etc.) If you put a student in a pulled in class – full-time or part-time. You will make more money by putting students into other college’s classes.
K. ET Report Removal/Rewrites
All are needed because some schools are not changing any procedures, but additional reports/surveys may be needed. L. Reporting of Policy Changes (Submit Recommended Changes to Form in MELA Course by
February 9 th ) Suggestions:
1. Quality letters should be sent out electronically. Letter should be broad where it is one letter sent to all schools. Put access in Canvas, so anyone could retrieve it for SACSCOC. Put wording in about credentialing requirements per college. 2. Would be beneficial to push the grades from the SIS the grades for shared students into the ET. a. Push students to ET?
3. Dropout detective – 90 cents per student? Contract Change not P&P Change. 4. Define an online classes (for calendar & proctoring purposes especially). 5. Policy of cancelling courses (earlier) . 6. More frequent snapshot for running files in ET. 7, 10, 1, 4. Instead hourly. 7. Participation of terms/when proctoring is available requirements, etc.
M. Reporting of ET Needs (Update Google Doc By February 9 th )
For the changes to the ET, please continue to use the ET Feature Request form in the Enrollment Tool Module. Request Types: -ET Request Due to Changes to P & P (2018)
-Attendance Tool Feature Request
Going forward, please use this form for all ET Feature requests, including requests to the Attendance Tool. Once a request has been submitted, you can view the list of requests by clicking on the “Current ET Feature Requests” document in the Enrollment Tool module.
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