MELA Meeting Minutes 2019

Shout out to Coahoma Community College! They have been well represented this spring in the Academy offerings.

VI. Action Items 1. New SmarterServices Proposal, excluding SmarterMeasure (Tequila Sunrise) – following the recent cut of the SmarterMeasure service, our group was required to get an updated quote for the SmarterProctoring and RegisterBlast services. The updated proposal is a three-year contract totaling $447,740. This proposal includes a 6% increase in year one, with a 3% increase in years two and three. This is an improvement from the original proposal provided, which Krista negotiated down to a more reasonable quote. The Instructional Technology Committee makes the motion to renew the three-year contract with SmarterServices and cancel the current RFP through ITS. Christa Wilhite seconded the motion. Motion Carried . The SmarterServices proposal is attached to the February agenda in the MELA course: current-agenda?module_item_id=8184971 . VII. Open Forum a. Attendance in ET (Tish) – There was discussion on the schools using the “Request to Drop” feature in the MSVCC ET verses sending emails to schools when reporting drops, withdrawals, and no-shows. Most schools are reporting these drops in ET. Michele stated that she thought PRCC may be the only school not currently using the Request to Drop feature in the ET. However, she plans to have this in place for summer 2019. She is in the process of making several changes to their processes. All schools will be using the Request to Drop feature by summer 2019. FOLLOW-UP: After the meeting, old MELA minutes and the MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual were reviewed with regard to attendance in the MSVCC ET. Please review the following: a. February 2018 MELA Minutes - page 5 in the original minutes, page 12 in the combined minutes provided in MELA course. minutes-2018?module_item_id=8054737 .


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