MELA Meeting Minutes 2019

Implementation. It is currently open for registration through the Academy. You can sign up at The course is titled “Canvas Catalog Admin Training Course.” When registering for the course be sure to use your Canvas credentials and use promo code 72XTPR . Canvas will continue to do some admin training, but Shalon wanted to provide this self-paced course for those with questions during her absence. Based on the feedback provided after this training, more self-paced courses may become available in the future. Example would be ET Administrative training, etc. Please be sure to complete the survey after you’ve completed the training. a. MSVCC Academy Participants Minimum Requirements – Because of the new budget contracts on the Academy, minimum requirements have been set for both webinars and courses. In order for a webinar to be taught, five or more participants must be logged into the session. If fewer than five log in, we are having to cancel those sessions on the spot. There must be eight or more participants enrolled for courses (TEO I, TEO II) to run. If you use the Academy, please let your instructors know of these changes. We also ask that you let your faculty know the importance of attending if they have signed up for a webinar and/or course. Brooke is extending the due date on the Academy Needs Assessment Survey. Please submit this to her by Friday, February 22 nd . This will be used to determine future Academy offerings. Also, if you would like to be represented in the MELT group, please include your representative and contact information on the MELT google sheet at HRgjTN6XZt0uPBx-51kU/edit?usp=sharing . Brooke has been working closely with Dr. Lebrun on Academy updates and changes. There is a trend on the decrease of webinar participants in the spring, related to basic Canvas training. We may consider only offering those webinars at the start of the fall term, where more in depth webinars can be offered in the spring. For example, ADA was recently offered and had 29 participants present. We’ve seem similar representation in other webinars.

3. Brooke Doggett


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