MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of April Minutes - Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the April minutes. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
III. Approval of May Agenda—Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the May agenda. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Shalon Farris reviewed all Outstanding ET Feature Requests.
a. ET Roles – in progress b. Changes to ET Self Service Public Site – Not Yet Started c. Attendance Tool Email Notifications – Not Yet Started; Shalon will move forward once wording is in place. d. Updates to Grades Page – Not Yet Started e. Attendance Tool Remove Instructor Ability to “No Show” a Student After No Show Date – In Progress f. Ability to Extract Date from SIS and Push into ET Attendance Tool – ICC already has this in place and has shared info with Ive. g. Attendance Tool Admin Notifications – In Progress h. Add Info to “Non Local Students Taking HINDSCC Courses” Report – In Progress i. Ability to Filter Instructors Based on Term – In Progress j. Textbook File in Format to Upload for Next Semester – In Progress k. Separate Grades for Non-Holmes Courses Report by School and Course – In Progress; Asking for separate report by school on individual pages.
Action Items
1. Shalon Farris reviewed all New ET Feature Requests
a. Add “Other” as reason for a student to be removed from non-verified list for self-service students. Amanda Hood made the motion, Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried. b. Remove the “Working with Student” option. Requestor was Kandie Johnson (not present). Buffy Matthews moved to amend the request as follows: add a delete option on the admin side instead of removing the option for everyone. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
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