MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
c. Add a “Request LDA” in Attendance to assist with internal withdrawal communication between colleges. Christa Wilhite made the motion. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion carried. Discussion: Jennifer James suggested the alternative of admin to be able to view attendance for pulled in courses. However, this may not always be the true LDA. d. Create ability to download retention data as a CSV file. Tish Stewart made the motion. Keri Cole seconded. Motion carried. a. Officer nominees ran unopposed. Tish Stewart moved that Christa Wilhite (President Elect) and Amanda Hood (Secretary) be confirmed. Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried. a. Amanda Hood made the motion to request that Dr. LeBrun present an increase of $4000 per college be added to each college’s MILD Grant in order to cover the procurement of a web conferencing solution as a result of no statewide solution in place for the upcoming FY. Phyllis Johnson seconded. Motion carried. a. Tequila Sunrise opened discussion on which colleges would be interested in piloting Honorlock. Buffy Matthews expressed concern about Honorlock charging students during pilot. MCCB would not be able to pay these charges. Keri Cole will be purchasing by exam for summer and will share information after her pilot. Tequila moved that this vote be tabled pending Keri’s recommendations. Amanda Hood seconded. Motion carried.
2. MELA Officer Elections
3. Increase in MILD Grant Funds for Local Web Conferencing Solutions
4. Honorlock Pilot
Open Forum—no action
Future Meetings
1. Wednesday, June 12 (9am) via Zoom (Cancelled on 6-11-2019 via email due to agenda being slim.)
2. Wednesday, July 10 (9am) via Zoom 3. MELA Retreat: September 11-13, 2019
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