MELA Meeting Minutes 2019

was. All schools do not place all online courses in the ET any longer. Because of this change, the MELA group feels that the faculty survey would not generate the data that the Library Association is needing. Buffy will restate this to Mr. Thompson and provide him with our recommendations for moving forward with the faculty survey.


Open Forum a. NC-SARA (Denise Gillespie)

i. Menia Dykes/Krista LeBrun have communicated questions/answers to everyone via email. ii. Everyone should be working on these steps: 1. Website – recommend working with IE person and looking at what other universities have 2. Identifying the people who need to be reported – With the specificity of the group, the number should be small and manageable enough to send out personalized emails. b. Canvas Catalog Credit Card Process and Discussion (Denise Gillespie) i. Fees involved: $2.00 charge per transaction + 2.2% per transaction ii. Krista LeBrun: MCCB plans to pass on extra fees to participants; Catalog fee will be built in to what the users see. iii. Schools working on this process: PRCC, JC


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