MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of January Minutes - Tish asked that the January minutes reflect the change of meeting type for the February Meeting. January minutes state that the February meeting was scheduled as a Face-to-Face meeting, but is being conducted via Zoom. Tish Stewart made the motion to approve the January minutes. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried . III. Approval of February Agenda —Christa Wilhite made the motion to approve the February agenda. Joseph McKee seconded. Motion carried. IV. Unfinished Business V. New Business
1. Krista LeBrun
a. SmarterMeasure Contract Update – SmarterMeasure was one of the services cut by the MACJC vote in January. They want to ensure that there are no costs to the current cuts beyond the current year. The SmarterMeasure contract is set to expire in March 2019. Krista has negotiated an agreement with SmarterServices to extend the SmarterMeasure service through June 30, 2019, so that we are not cutting a service in the middle of a term. No payment will be made after March 2019. This will also give interested schools time to adopt the service locally. It anyone is interested in purchasing local licenses, please contact Mac directly. Krista has reached out to all vendors affected by the budget cuts and is also working with ITS to get contract amendments documented correctly. All vendors contacted, specifically AspireEdu and SmarterServices are willing to negotiate a reduced rate for all schools interested in adopting the services locally. Krista will share the survey results with the MELA group so that those institutions can work with the vendors on rates for local implementation. Based on the current cuts, schools will receive one half of the funds (approximately $27,000/each) and the other half will be based on FTE. These funds will go through Ed Tech appropriations. Each school’s president will determine how this money is used. b. MELO Report – the Library Deans and Directors met on Friday, February 8 th for their bi-annual meeting. At this meeting they provided us with an overall usage report for the databases currently in use. There was
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