MELA Meeting Minutes 2019

discussion on the discrepancies in the numbers being reported, because some statistics were based solely on students accessing the resources through the MSVCC verses those accessing by institution. Please have discussions with your librarians to ensure that all statistics are accurately depicting usage at your institutions. We do not want schools to lose services because of inaccurate statistics. The usage statistics are attached to the February agenda in the MELA course: current-agenda?module_item_id=8184971 . The Library Deans and Directors provided the FY 2020 MELO Grant Request at this meeting. The original request still included the CREDO and LYRASIS (CQ Researcher) databases, which were cut from the budget during the January MACJC meetings. The FY 2020 proposal does show a 3% increase in pricing. With the updated quote, not including CREDOT and LYRASIS, the total budget request is $375,986.42. This is a $25,349.79 savings from FY 2019. Krista did inform the group that while no current cap was placed on the MELO grant, there were discussions about a cap in the future. Krista and Buffy encouraged the group to include the following information when reporting on these databases: (1) brief overview of the service, (2) the importance of those services to particular programs or courses, (3) accurate usage statistics, (4) is the database tied to your SACSCOC reporting, (5) training opportunities for increasing usage. There was also brief discussion on the funding for Magnolia, with cuts coming from the legislature and schools having to help fund the system. The Library Deans and Directors are looking at alternatives to EBSCO databases, hoping to decrease the cost of the services while keeping the resources that schools are accustom to having. The MACJC would like to finalize future budgets at their meeting on February 26 th . Krista would like to present the MELA decision on the FY 2020 MELO Grant at this time. We would either need a vote today, or an electronic vote prior to that meeting. The MELA group requests that the Library Deans and Directors Association continue to address usage statistics, as well as other alternatives for databases, to ensure we are budget conscious. Christa Wilhite made the motion to accept the FY 2020 MELO Grant. Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried .

2. Shalon Farris

a. Canvas Catalog Admin Course – Shalon has developed a self-paced course to familiarize MSVCC Canvas Administrators on Canvas Catalog. The course is divided into three Lessons: (1) Lesson 1: Overview, (2) Lesson 2: Summary of Best Practices, (3) Lesson 3: Catalog Branding


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