MELA Minutes 2020-2021

E. QM Committee Report: NWMCC and Hinds use it extensively. Reported on how they are using it. Ideas for how MSVCC Academy could train. Discussion on how the consortium can create a QM peer review system. F. Quality Committee requested the group to recommend MSVCC Quality Course Standards for quality control. Suggested sharing rubrics. Need a motion to keep QM.

I. Motion: Phyllis Johnson-NWMCC II. Second: Katherine Puckett-HindsCC III. Approval: 10 yea/5 nay

New Business I.


ET Feature Request: Attendance reporting needs to be updated with a timeline to allow attendance mistakes to be corrected by someone at the board.

I. Motion: Amanda Hood-Co-Lin II. Second: Buffy Matthews-MGCCC III. Approval passed: 100%


MCCB Updates I.

Dr. Stokes informed the group of remaining webinars for FL20 I. October two webinars left 10/20 10/22 II. November Ted Talk, chat and chew III. December Wednesday trainings basic Page construction III. Possible Retreat Updates: Amanda will look at May dates for retreat IV. Committee Assignments updated: Jennifer Leimer is no longer at MGCCC, Latoya Clark-Horne added to Technology committee, Christine Davis added to Instructional Quality Committee, Kelley Gonzalez chairs the Technology Committee, Stacey Smith moves to Quality Committee. V. Michelle is going to create a spreadsheet with issues regarding Honorlock and other proctor products used and share with consortium.

VI. Future Meetings: Second Wednesday of November 11/11/2020 is our next meeting. VII. Adjournment 10:37am adjournment

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