MELA Minutes 2020-2021

local level to fund each institution’s proctoring services. In summary, the Presidents have declined the request for a statewide proctoring service at this time. Each institution will be responsible for their own proctoring solution for this next year. D. Enrollment tool: Dr. Wilhite has been working with Ive on modifications for the attendance feature in Enrollment tool. The modification will allow instructors and eLCs to edit attendance data 14 days after the attendance date. The eta to have these complete is Friday, February 12, 2021. Dr. Wilhite will send out an email once this is completed to verify that edits can be done and to let everyone know it has been completed. A. Spring Break and Proctoring: If you have not shared your individual institution holidays on the google document please do so asap. If testing falls on your Spring break, you will need to ensure you have proctoring services available for the week. Due to COVID, virtual proctoring services could serve for this but this will need to be further discussed within the group. B. Canvas Users Group: Dr. LeBrun was contacted by Canvas to host a Canvas Users Group event. The event would be at no cost to our group. Canvas would help put the event together and it would be available to all Canvas users in the state of Mississippi. This would possibly be a virtual event due to COVID. The consortium would come up with the date that would work best for all and come up with the sessions. Keynote speaker could possibly be Jared Stein from Canvas. A poll will be sent out to the consortium by Friday for possible dates for the event.

IV. Unfinished Business: None

VI. New Business:


VII. Open Forum

A. Welcome to Michelle Pickering to MGCCC as the new eLearning Coordinator.

B. The Mississippi Legislature has gone virtual and can be watched at:

VIII. Future Meetings

Motion made by Dr. Hood to move March meeting to March 24 th at 9:00am.

Motion seconded by Buffy Matthews.

Motion carried 100%.

Next Meeting: March 24, 2021; 9:00 AM via Zoom

IX. Adjournment: 9:53 AM

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