MELA Minutes 2020-2021

room. We are getting a great rate at a great hotel. A tentative agenda has been created and will be sent out. If anyone would like to add items to the agenda, feel free to send those items to Dr. Hood. Denise Gillespie asked that the agenda be sent out with start and end dates and times in order to get approval for travel. Dr. Hood will get this information to all members as soon as possible. Unfinished Business: a. Library Budget Request: Buffy Matthews: As discussed in our last meeting, the budget request will need to go to the presidents for a vote. The budget stayed the same however the details of the academic search column has been edited for an accurate account of searches. The budget is a 3% increase. Buffy Matthews made a motion to go forward with sending this budget request to the presidents for their approval. If they need further information after reviewing the statistics, we can go back to the library resources people at the state and adjust the request if necessary. The motion was seconded by Dr. Amanda Hood. Dr. Hood asked for a roll call vote of for or against in the chat function from the group. The motion was voted in unanimously by the group. Dr. LeBrun will take this budget request to the presidents meeting. VII. Open Forum a. Phyllis Johnson on Quality Matters : Mrs. Johnson is asking if any other colleges would like to join with the 3 colleges that now make up the consortium for Quality Matters in Mississippi. She asks if any other colleges are interested to email her to let her know. The membership ends on May 21, 2021. It takes 3 or more colleges to make up a consortium and the total cost is $2600. Right now, with 3 colleges, the cost is $866 for each college. If 4 colleges join, the cost is $650 and if 5 colleges join, the cost will be $520. This is an annual fee. Any trainings would be paid per person and per class. If any other college would like to utilize what Quality Matters offers, email Mrs. Johnson by May 15 th . V. VI. New Business: None

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