MELA Minutes 2022-2023
Christa Wilhite (MCCB) started a comparison table and will give it to the Support committee to help guide them in their research. The Support committee should use an FTE at around 60,000 to get a consortium quote for the different products. A potential concern is whether the CidiLabs products that we are currently procuring will work with another accessibility product. Dr. Christa Wilhite (MCCB) will ask CidiLabs if we can have a temporary integration to test CidiLabs with Panorama. If after the comparison table is created, we decide another vendor would be preferable, we will need to have a vote. If Panorama is still the preferred vendor, no additional vote is needed. The deadline for the comparison table for the MACC agenda is March 21. The Admin committee would like to meet with the Support committee on March 20 to go over their findings before it is added to the MACC agenda. 6. RFP – The RFP committee is in a holding pattern with the RFP, but we are still on schedule to have a contract by July 1. 7. Link-Systems – The presidents approved the amendment of our current Link-Systems contract to add an additional 5,000 hours to get us through the RFP process. See “*February 21, 2023, email correspondence notes” at the end of the minutes for details and the consortium vote for the additional hours. b. MACC Meeting Update – There was discussion among the presidents about the removal of incentive funding from the MSVCC formula and adding it back into the funding to increase the overall FTE. This would remove the .25/.75 incentive from the host/provider model of the formula. They asked to have the numbers run on specific scenarios to make a
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