MELA Minutes 2023-2024

can be disabled and customized. They also explored the assigned tutoring feature, finding that it provides customized instruction for tutors but does not sync with Canvas and requires students to click a link for completion. They also learned about the availability of tutoring services, limitations with audio features, and the use of brainwaves for sharing solutions. They also mentioned the ability to customize academic tools based on institutional preferences. Shalon discussed their testing experience and findings from last week. They explored various features, such as student examples, feedback on papers, and support options, while also acknowledging the 1. Christa informed everyone that she would be emailing this out after the meeting. 1. General discussion about who is using it and if anyone was wanting to move to Canvas Data 2. Some issues were also discussed with the reporting data. 2. Cidilabs contract. Krista has requested to have the contract redrafted based on concerns in several sections. 1. Quality Letters 2023 are due October 31 st in MELA Course. 1. Dr. Stokes gave updates on MSVCC Academy, 2 of the 3 courses made. Objectives and assessments did not make. 2. Courses: Growing with Canvas, Digging Deeper, Objectives and Assessments 3. Growing with Canvas should be a prerequisite for the other courses. 1. Webinars 2. Canvas Code Instructors Should Know 3. Gen Z Snapshot 4. Dropout Detective: Instructors and Allies 5. RSI Remix: Communication

need for further understanding and improvement in utilizing the platform effectively. d. AI Conversations for Instructors Handout

e. Canvas Data Inquiry

f. Quality Letters Reminder

5. Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB a. September PD Report

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