MELA Minutes 2023-2024

the enrollment tool should be updated to reflect the recording of attendance according to the current practice. f. MCCA Invoice – Krista mentioned to those who participated in the NC-SARA meeting that invoices for MCCA will be initiated sooner than usual, and they are expected to be higher this year. She mentioned that the applications for MCCA will now be due on February 8th, which is earlier than in previous years. She also highlighted that the fees for MCCA have increased significantly, from around $14,000 last year to an expected $26,000 this year. She noted that this increase is due to the alignment of MCCA fees with NC-SARA fees, which are also set to increase. Krista shared that she had received the invoice and will make a copy available in the MELA course. She mentioned that the invoice is not due until February 8th, but the processing will be done in January. She also stated that the application deadline for MCCA will be modified to align with the new schedule. 2. Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB a. Canvas CSM Newsletter Feedback. It was mentioned that the feedback survey indicated both positive and negative feedback about the newsletter. The group was asked to provide input on how the newsletter could be improved and to share any dislikes they had. It was suggested that feedback could be shared during the meeting or via email. The meeting concluded with the action item of gathering feedback to improve the CSM newsletter. b. Quarterly Consortium Call Reminder – Today @ 2:30 pm! 3. Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB, a. MSVCC Academy - Enrollment Report - the updated enrollment report for the MSVCC Academy was discussed. It was noted

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