MELA Minutes 2023-2024

that the report had been recently updated and would be updated once more before the semester's closeout. b. Semester Closeout – It was announced that all professional development for the MSVCC Academy would cease on December 8th, and past courses, webinars, and active four and three-week courses would close by that date. This would allow for the data to be pulled for completion. The group was informed that anyone in progress on a webinar or course would have until December 8th to complete it, after which everything for the fall semester would close. The Academy would then be prepared for the spring semester, with data being cleaned up and prepared for January registration and enrollment. c. Sandbox Request Data – The meeting concluded with a discussion about the sandbox request data. It was mentioned that sandbox requests were still being received, and the data would be gathered to see who had taken training to obtain employment at one of the institutions. The data would be shared with the group before the semester's closeout. B. NC-SARA Updates 1. Tish Stewart asked how everyone was identifying the out-of-state students enrolling in licensure programs from semester to semester. We discussed the need to create a template for communication with out-of-state students enrolling in licensure programs. Krista Lebrun also discussed the importance of understanding the distinction between NC-SARA regulations and Title IV Federal regulations. It was emphasized that the requirement for schools to sign a Program Participation Agreement (PPA) to be eligible for Title IV funds is a federal regulation, not just an e-learning initiative. The group was encouraged to communicate this distinction to their leadership to ensure a clear understanding

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