MELA Minutes 2023-2024

interactions, as opposed to digging, which has been phased out due to lack of consistent engagement. Arianna reminded participants about the enrollment requirements outlined in the PNP, emphasizing the need for at least 10 participants to proceed with courses. She mentioned that courses with insufficient enrollment may be canceled, particularly those related to interactions or certain CDT courses. Arianna then addressed the upcoming webinars, highlighting the schedule for February and March sessions. She mentioned that some webinar topics were suggested by the ad-hoc committee, focusing on skill development and independent use of Canvas at the instructor level. She emphasized the importance of aligning webinar content with the needs expressed by participants. Next, Arianna discussed the PD suggestion box, which collects feedback on training needs from MSVCC Academy participants. She noted that responses to the suggestion box help inform the development of training schedules and content for the upcoming year. Arianna encouraged attendees to provide input on training topics that would be valuable to them, whether related to specific vendor products, refresher courses, or administrative training for new members. Finally, Arianna mentioned an email shared with the group from the Hanover Research Center regarding AI, offering to

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