MELA Minutes 2023-2024
continue sharing similar resources if they were beneficial to the group. She invited participants to provide feedback on the usefulness of such resources and expressed willingness to find and share relevant information in the future.
B. MSVCC Committees
a. Quality and Support
1. Chairs met to review Needs Survey
a. Top 3 are Accessibility, Engagement, Interaction b. Next step: identifying what needs are not being met in identified categories to proceed with finding solutions.
b. During the meeting, Jason Zuehlke from MDCC discussed the results of a Needs survey conducted at the end of the previous year. The survey received data from 10 colleges, with the top three categories identified as Accessibility, engagement, and interaction. Following previous discussions on how to address these needs, the next steps involve understanding specific requirements from colleges to meet these needs adequately. Jason and Christine will work on a follow-up survey to delve deeper into why these areas are considered necessary, aiming to shift them from being categorized as needs to satisfactory outcomes. The intention is to focus efforts as a consortium on addressing these identified needs effectively. The detailed results of the survey are available for review individually. Additionally, two committees have convened over the past year, with the first meeting for the Academy held in January. 1. Academy/CDP Ad-Hoc met virtually on 1/25 brainstorming revamps. During the CDP ad-hoc meeting, discussions revolved around revamping the course catalog in the academy to better meet the needs of new instructors. The focus was on potentially modifying the format of the courses to align with the requirements
of incoming educators who need a more efficient and effective learning experience. Ideas such as a modified self-paced approach were considered to enhance flexibility while ensuring proctored assessments. Collaboration between committees led to fruitful discussions on these potential changes. Christine
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