MELA Minutes 2023-2024
f. Assistance: Dr. Wilhite offered support for those needing help with the update process. Emphasis was placed on the necessity of this update for the continued functionality of Turnitin with Harmonize.
3. Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB a. MSVCC Academy : The semester closeout for the MSVCC Academy is May 31st. Faculty, staff, or anyone enrolled in self- paced courses, the last May course, or webinars need to complete their activities by this date. Communication and Reminders: Dr. Stokes will send reminders through the webinar courses to ensure participants are aware of the deadline. Reminders will aim to provide ample notice for participants to complete their courses. Ensure all enrolled faculty and staff are aware of the May 31st deadline. Complete all self-paced courses, webinars, and other MSVCC Academy activities by the close of business on May 31st. Look out for reminders from Dr. Stokes through the webinar courses. The discussion concluded with a note to adhere to the MSVCC Academy course completion deadline. b. Professional Development (PD) Suggestion Box: The PD Suggestion Box is available for submitting training and development suggestions. After the recent Cidilabs training session with Northwest, Dr. Stokes and Christa Wilhite visited East Central and conducted some training for a few faculty members. Dr. Stokes offered to conduct similar training sessions for other interested institutions. Faculty members are encouraged to use the PD Suggestion Box to request specific training sessions or to suggest needs related to current vendor partners, Canvas-related training, or other professional development topics. c. Enrollment Report (Spring 2024): The enrollment report for Spring 2024 is now available. The report includes details of faculty and staff participation in professional development (PD) from December 18, 2023, to the day before the meeting. The report shows completed PD activities and those in progress for the current semester.It also includes data from previous semesters, such as Fall 2023. The report is linked and accessible for review. Dr. Stokes opened the floor for any questions regarding the enrollment report.
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