MELA Minutes 2023-2024


Action Items A. Vote to approve changes to the P&P.

1. Policies and Procedures page 7 – removal of 2nd paragraph under Full-Time Equivalency 2. Policies and Procedures page 42 - removal of 2nd paragraph under Appendix C: State Funding 3. Policies and Procedures page 44 – remove #3 Link-Systems and add Brainfuse and CidiLabs 4. Approved - The motion was approved 100% to approve the changes to the P&P.

B. Vote on 2024-2025 meeting date changes.

1. Approved - The motion was approved 100 % to skip the August and March meetings.


Open Forum A. Professional Licensure Excel Sheet (Holmes)

1. The State Board is maintaining a spreadsheet that would be beneficial if it was accessible to IT personnel for automating licensure processes. This automation aims to ensure compliance when students take online classes or declare a major while being out-of-state. The goal is to retrieve information from the spreadsheet and incorporate it into the necessary documentation. Currently, the spreadsheet is static, and there's uncertainty about where it will be housed and if it will be readable. There are ongoing updates, and there has been consideration of using a solution from Gov Co. due to its useful features like mapping. However, there is no current update on the status of this initiative. B. AOA Meeting Thursday, July 18 - breakout session for eLearning specific concerns for Financial Transparency, Gainful Employment and Professional Licensure (Denise) 1. The Academic Officers group will hold a special meeting tomorrow.

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