MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual

Delivery Method

All proctored examinations will be conducted electronically through the learning management system or via a third-party site (MyMathLabs, SAM, etc.) as determined by the host instructor. Copies of materials utilized during testing, such as scratch paper or calculations, can be emailed to the instructor upon request. Requests for providing copies of materials used during testing should be made in advance via the statewide proctoring repository.


Each college that is part of the MSVCC Consortium should ensure that all proctored tests are administered in a closed lab setting. In accordance with the substantive change, each college should have one lab in which the majority of lab time will be dedicated to proctoring. Those colleges which have more than one campus should decide where the bulk of the proctored testing has taken place in the past and should use that location to establish the dedicated lab. All other branches of the college should designate a closed lab which can be used for proctored testing as needed.


Any site designated for proctored testing should have a staff person available for proctoring when needed. This person’s primary responsibility should be proctoring and overseeing the lab. Colleges with more than one campus should have a person at each location that will be available to proctor tests on an as-needed basis. The Proctor Confidentiality Agreement (APPENDIX I: Proctor Confidentiality Agreement) should be signed by all personnel who have access to the MSVCC proctored exam database. Copies of signed agreements will be housed in the Chief eLearning Officer’s office.

Testing Hours

Each college should ensure that proctors are on duty so that students can have greater flexibility in scheduling testing times. Each testing lab should be open adequate hours to meet student demand.


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