MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual
Computer Standards
Each college will be responsible for assessing the quantity of computers and duration of testing hours. Each computer should be Internet accessible. The computers should also be equipped with Microsoft Office Suite and meet the minimum requirements which have been set by MSVCC. Network personnel from each college should monitor the network connection to and from the testing labs. If the equipment is not working properly, the network personnel should take appropriate actions.
Proctoring Standards Evaluation
The MSVCC Proctoring Standards Evaluation Form (APPENDIX G: MSVCC Proctoring Standards Evaluation Form) should be completed each October and submitted to the eLearning association chair.
Off-Site or Out-Of-State Proctoring
Students testing at a non-Mississippi Community/Junior College site must follow established procedures to ensure approval for off-site proctors and centers (APPENDIX J: Off-Site/Out-of-State Approval Form).
Virtual Proctoring
Individual colleges will determine the availability of virtual proctoring for their hosted students (students who register through that school). It is the responsibility of the student to ensure sufficient computer standards to utilize this service.
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