MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual
Article VI: Meetings Two regularly scheduled meetings per year will be held, one each in the fall and spring semesters. A college president, Assistant Executive Director for eLearning & Instructional Technology, or any committee member may request a special meeting. Such special meetings will be held at the discretion of the committee chair. Additionally, special meetings may be called by two or more committee members through the chair regardless of the chair’s discretion. Meeting dates will be posted on the website of the Mississippi Virtual Community College. All decisions of the Exceptions and Issues Committee are final and will be communicated by the chair to the parties directly involved. Exceptions and issues decisions will be made or continued at the regularly scheduled meeting immediately following the submission of an exception or issue. Submission must be made a minimum of 10 days prior to a meeting to be considered. B. Exceptions and Issues committee decisions may be appealed to the MACJC. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the MACJC chair a minimum of 10 days prior to the MACJC meeting at which appeal will be made. An appeal shall be heard, and a decision rendered by the MACJC within 60 days after an appeal has been made. Article VII: Decisions and Appeals A.
Article VIII: Ratification and Amendments A.
Any modifications to these By-Laws must be made by the Exceptions and Issues Committee and approved for recommendation to the MACJC and MCCB by a majority of all committee members.
B. Requests to amend these By-Laws shall be made in writing to the committee Secretary/Coordinator and may be made by any involved party.
C. Upon committee approval, amendments or modifications shall then be submitted to the MACJC via the chair of the MACJC and to the MCCB.
D. Effective dates for these By-Laws and any subsequent amendments or modifications indicated in Article VIII Section A shall be immediately upon approval by the MACJC and the MCCB.
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