MSVCC Strategic Plan
MSVCC Strategic Plan Updated September 2017
Strategic Plan 2015 – 2019
Revised April 2017
Approved by MACJC N/A
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary ............................................................................................ 3
Mission Statement .............................................................................................................3 Rationale ............................................................................................................................3 Vision Statement................................................................................................................3 eLearning Definition ..........................................................................................................4 Strategic Initiatives ............................................................................................................4 Strategic Map for the MSVCC.........................................................................................5
II. Chapter 1: ELC Association Committees.......................................................... 7
eLearning Coordinator Committees 2016 – 2017 .........................................................7
III. Chapter 2: Committee Goals and Objectives................................................. 9
Section 1: Administration Committee Goals .................................................................9 Section 2: Instructional Technology Committee Goals ............................................ 11 Section 3: Quality Committee Goals ........................................................................... 13 Section 4: Support Services Committee Goals .......................................................... 15 Section 5: Training Committee Goals .......................................................................... 18 2003 .................................................................................................................................. 19 2012 .................................................................................................................................. 21 2014 .................................................................................................................................. 21 2017 .................................................................................................................................. 21 IV. Chapter 3: History of the MSVCC Strategic Plan ........................................... 19
Executive Summary
Mission Statement
The mission of the Mississippi Virtual Community College is to provide educational opportunities to constituencies who live within the various community and junior college districts in Mississippi and to others beyond those boundaries. The mission includes providing access to instructional offerings through advanced technologies for those individuals who currently cannot take advantage of the offerings of the community and junior college through traditional means and to those individuals who are seeking alternative educational delivery systems.
College instruction has traditionally been offered to those individuals who appear at the door of an institution of higher learning, present some evidence of having met certain criteria for admission, complete the necessary forms, pay their money, meet classes at prescribed times, places, etc. There are many people in Mississippi who cannot attend college for various reasons of finance, travel, family constraints, work schedules, etc. In a number of cases, these individuals are capable of improving their capability to earn a livelihood if provided access to higher education opportunities. There is a need to provide educational opportunities for individuals who cannot physically attend classes in accordance with time and place constraints as traditionally applied to the typical institution of higher learning. This need can be met to some level of satisfaction by offering courses and services by various means of distance learning.
Vision Statement
The purpose of the strategic plan is to guide the eLearning Association in achieving its vision for the current cycle period (usually four years). Our vision for this strategic cycle is to expand opportunities for student success in online courses by utilizing emerging technologies to accommodate a variety of learning styles, creating more robust online communities, increasing focus on student services, and growing program offerings while ensuring integrity and promoting the benefits of the MSVCC. Focus will be on quality, success, support, and growth .
eLearning Definition
The term eLearning implies a state of perpetual learning and change, and the letter “ e” in the term implies learning that occurs through all forms of electronic devices: desktop and laptop computers, and, increasingly, mobile devices such as cell phones. One might say, in this digital world, that the “ e” also signifies e verywhere.
Strategic Initiatives
I. Promote opportunities for student achievement (Success)
II. Provide an innovative, high quality learning experience (Quality)
III. Deliver exemplary administrative, instructional, and student support services (Support)
IV. Initiate opportunities for growth and extended educational outreach (Growth)
Strategic Map for the MSVCC
Strategic Map for the MSVCC
Quality Success Support
Instructional Technology
Support Services
A1: Increase support to the eLearning offices with regard to administrative, information, and instructional technologies.
I1: Increase support to the eLearning Offices in regards to vendors and tools integrated into the learning management system. I2: Increase awareness of LTIs and vendors based upon emerging technologies.
Q1: Develop recommended standards for quality online education.
S1: Provide support services to online students and faculty using current and emerging technologies.
T1: Provide relevant and current trainings through the MSVCC Academy for faculty and administrators.
A2: Increase awareness of the MSVCC.
Q2: Implement procedures for improvement based on recommended standards for quality online education.
S2: Provide a comprehensive
T2: Increase participation in statewide training.
MSVCC database for consortium use.
A3: Develop benchmarks for student achievement.
I3: Identify vendor contracts that are up for renewal.
Q3: Encourage faculty members to develop and maintain high quality, standards- based online learning environments.
S3: Emphasize the use of the Student Support Services Survey for program and instructional improvement.
MSVCC Consortium
Chapter 1: ELC Association Committees
eLearning Coordinator Committees 2016 – 2017
Instructional Technology
Support Services
Chair: Tish Stewart
Chair: Haley Duck
Chair: Jennifer Leimer
Chair: Brandi McGraw
Chair: Kim Ellis
Topics :
Policies &
LTI’s Vendors/ Partners
Pedagogy Evaluation Process Instructor of the Year
Enrollment Tool Website/ Consortium App Proctoring
Procedures Strategic Plan Calendar
Budget Grants
Members: 1. Keri Cole (Hinds) 2. Buffy Matthews
Members: 1. Joan Grimes (ECCC) 2. Katherine
1. Tequila Sunrise (ICC) 2. “Vacant” 3. Sabine Zabarovska (NEMCC) 4. Joseph McKee (CCC) 5. Chris Ryals (MCCB)
1. Alicia Shows (SWMCC) 2. Nancy Parkerson (Holmes) 3. Jennifer James (Hinds) 4. Vanessa Murphy (Co- Lin) 5. Kandace Martin (JCJC) 6. Kim Steinman (NWMCC) 7. Chris Ryals (MCCB)
1. Christa Wilhite (ECCC) 2. Phyllis Johnson (NWCC) 3. Michele Mitchell (PRCC) 4. Holley Harris (MCC) 5. Denise Gilespie (ICC) 6. Brooke Doggett (MCCB) 7. Chris Ryals (MCCB)
(MGCCC) (President) 3. Kimberly Harris (NEMCC)
Puckett (Hinds)
3. Chris Square (EMCC) 4. Michelle Street (MDCC) 5. Ashley Beard (JCJC) 6. Stacey Smith (NWMCC) 7. Brooke Doggett (MCCB)
(President Elect)
4. Krista LeBrun (MCCB)
*MCCB staff will serve as a resource for all committees.
Chapter 2: Committee Goals and Objectives
Section 1: Administration Committee Goals
A1: Increase support to the eLearning offices with regard to administrative, information, and instructional technologies.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Job Description has been written but needs approval from ELCA & MACJC & MCCB The MSVCC Innovative Learning & Design Grant Program (MILD Grants) was implemented for the first time in FY15. Update 1: Added additional $5,000 with $3,000 required for PD; Update 2: Added $6,000 disbursement for President Elect for Annual eLearning PD
A1:1 – Explore options for additional, dedicated staff at the MCCB
Hired Chris Ryals as Program Specialist for eLearning
Hiring of additional staff at MCCB
$100,000 for salary & benefits
Fall 2015
A1:2 – Provide eLearning offices with monetary assistance in the form of mini-grants to provide support to faculty and staff via innovative learning opportunities, as well as design services and activities
This grant program will continue to provide additional monetary support to each colleges’ eLearning division as long as the budget allows.
$150,000 ($10,000 per institution); Update 1: $225,000 ($15,000 per institution); Update 2: $6,000
Spring 2015; Update 1: Spring 2016 ; Update 2: Summer 2016
Implementation of mini-grant process
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
A2: Increase awareness of the MSVCC.
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured? Successful creation of marketing plan
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
A2:1 – Develop a
Spring 2017
In Progress
comprehensive marketing plan A2:2 – Redesign the MSVCC web- site to be more user friendly A2:3 – Create Marketing materials that can be utilized by each college
Successful redesign of MSVCC website
Spring 2017
In Progress
Marketing templates delivered to colleges
Spring 2017
In Progress
Each college and the MSVCC are in the
A2:4 – Implement mobile-based applications
Implementation of mobile applications
BFAC Mobile App & Texting
process of launching their own
Fall 2015
mobile app and texting component.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
A3: Develop benchmarks for student achievement
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
A3:1 – Review current literature related to online student success A3:2 – Define online student success A3:3 – Review and analyze current enroll- ment data A3:4 – Identify deficiencies with current data collection practices A3:5 – Establish measurable benchmarks for online student achievement
Fall Meeting to compile current literature on student achievement
Provide summary of literature to ELCs
Fall 2016
In Progress
Agree upon a measurable definition of the success for the MSVCC Provide summary of enrollment data to ELCs Provide list of deficiencies in data collection Establish student achievement benchmarks for the MSVCC
Fall Meeting to define student success
Fall 2016
In Progress
Spring 2017
New reports from the ET
Fall 2015
Spring 2017
Section 2: Instructional Technology Committee Goals
I1: Increase support to the eLearning Offices in regards to vendors and tools integrated into the learning management system.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Quality and Support
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
The MELA group is currently in RFP for a new communica- tion tool. This item is going to be closed and moved to another goal and objectives that is more specific with more measurable outcomes. Chris Ryals was hired on at the MCCB in a different role than the
I1:1 – Examine, identify, and recommend emerging instructional technologies that may lead to improvements for teaching and learning
Web demos were conducted on many new instructional technologies. These demos included new communication tools
Presentations, pilots and/or adoptions of new instructional technologies
Update: Closed
eLearning Technical Specialist.
I1:2 – Provide support for transition during implement- ation of instructional technologies
Due to a hiring freeze at MCCB, this position is on
Need for new MCCB eLearning Technology Specialist
However, he has taken on some of the Responsibili-
Successful implementation
Update: Closed
hold until the freeze is lifted
ties of the eLearning Technical Specialist
until hiring is able to take place. Piloting a new web conference- ing and instant messaging applications (Blackboard
After identifying deficiencies with the current communication tool, BlackBoard Collaborate, the MELA group decided to look for other possibilities for communication tools
I1:3 – Identify deficiencies with current and potential instructional technologies
Provide presentations and summaries of data to ELCs
Update: Completed
Ultra and Zoom) to possibly replace
Blackboard Collaborate and in RFP for new tool
Quality, Success, and Support
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
I2: Increase Awareness of LTIs and vendors based upon emerging technologies
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
I2:1 –Identify the technology needs or wants of the MELA Group I2:2 – Research and examine 3 emerging technologies or vendors per year I2:3 – Present the findings of the research and demo to the MELA group during the monthly meeting or immediately following
Number of Responses from the MELA Group
1 Year
In Progress
Number of demonstrations watched by the committee
1 Year
In Progress
Number of presentations per year
1 Year
In Progress
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
I3: Identify vendor contracts that are up for renewal
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
I3:1 – Conduct a survey of satisfaction of current products or services I3:2 – Evaluate the cost of current products or services
Yearly evaluation but ongoing
Analysis of survey results
In Progress
Yearly evaluation but ongoing
Usage Reports
In Progress
Section 3: Quality Committee Goals
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Q1: Develop recommended standards for quality online education.
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
The Quality Sub- Committee will recommend that Quality Matters be adopted at the consortium level as a supplemen- tal resource or incentive for increasing quality in MSVCC online courses.
Q1:1 – Research literature and data regarding quality online courses
Possible expanded professional development
Provide report of compiled data
Completed Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Q1:2 – Develop recommended quality standards
Provide report of recommended standards
Spring 2017
In Progress
Q2: Implement procedures for improvement based on recommended standards for quality online education.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Q2:1 – Identify areas of needed improvement based on recommended quality standards Q2:2 – Recommend training or tools to support improvement opportunities based Quality Matters (QM) Standards Q2:3 – Evaluate effectiveness of recommended measures of improvement
Core Course Evaluation Guide
Spring 2017
In Progress
Provide documentation of submitted recommend- ations
Fall 2017
Upon completion of QM Certified Course Status
Retention Rates
Q3: Encourage faculty members to develop and maintain high quality, standards-based online learning environments
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Q3:1 – Develop a certification program to recognize high quality courses Q3:2 – Create incentive opportunities for regional and national professional development
Recommend certification program to ELCs
Dependent on program outline
Fall 2017
Provide guidelines for expanded professional development
Dependent on program outline
Spring 2018
Section 4: Support Services Committee Goals
S1: Provide support services to online students and faculty using current and emerging technologies
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Smarter- Proctoring was implement- ed statewide for all 15 colleges’ 55 testing centers the summer of 2015.
S1:1 – Adopt a proctored test management system
Implementation of proctored test management system
Smarter- Proctoring
Summer 2015
S1:2 – Recommend a revised formula for determining sufficient proctoring services S1:1 – Review and recommend the adoption of a mobile app for communica- tion for online students. S1:2 - Provide and maintain a public resources community that communicates services and
Update Policy & Procedure Manual with revised policy
Summer 2015
In Progress
Each college and the MSVCC are in the
Implementation of mobile app
BFAC Mobile App & Texting
process of launching their own
Summer 2015
mobile app and texting component.
Development of resource community
Fall 2015 Spring 2018
$1,000 to hire a course developer
programs available through
MSVCC for faculty and students
ELCA voted to adopt Refer Tutor Report as an additional feature of NetTutor. Plan to have it launched during Fall 2015.
S1:3 – Enhance the current tutoring system to include a referral process
Implementation of tutoring referral system
In progress Complete
Fall 2015
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
S1: Continued…
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
S1:4 – Adoption of new and collaborative IM tool for Student/ Instructor/ Administrator Communica- tion within the LMS S1:5 – Usage data for the IM tool for Student/ Instructor/ Administrator Communica- tion within the LMS
Pilot of System during Spring 2018
After RFP Completion (Pilot Period)
$2 Million
Auditing the tool based on all levels of usage
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
S2: Provide a comprehensive MSVCC database for consortium use
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
S2:1 – Implementa- tion of new MSVCC data system S2:1 – Successful Implementa- tion of Attendance Reporting in the ET S2:2 – Identify issues with MSVCC database
Deployment of new Enrollment Tool
New ET was launched in Summer 2015
New Enrollment Tool
Spring 2015
Pilot of System during Summer 2017
Spring 2018
In Progress
Provide recommenda- tions for improvement based on issues identified
Spring 2015
In Progress
S3: Emphasize the use of the Student Support Services Survey for program and institutional improvement.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
S3:1 – Increase awareness of and participation in the Student Support Services Survey S3:2 – Analyze results of the Student Support Services Survey S3:3 – Make recommenda- tions for improvement for student
Provide results of the Student Support Services Survey
Summer 2016 Review Annually
Provide documentation of results
Fall 2016 Review Annually
Provide recommenda- tions to ELCs
Spring 2017 Review Annually
support services
Section 5: Training Committee Goals
T1: Provide relevant and current trainings through the MSVCC Academy for faculty and administrators.
Support and Success
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
T1:1 – Develop training on retention methods and use of retention tools strategies T1:2 – Develop training for test
Delivery of training
Fall 2015 Ongoing
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
Fall 2015 (pending implementa- tion of statewide system) Ongoing
scheduling system and virtual proctoring
Delivery of training
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
T1:3 – Develop training on proper instructional strategies, pedagogy and tools T1:4 – Provide Quality Matters rubrics, tools, and resources
Delivery of training
Fall 2015 Ongoing
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
Delivery of training
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
training for future QM Initiatives
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Support and Quality
T2: Increase participation in statewide training.
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured? Provide participation report and comparison of
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
T2:1 – Implement MSVCC Academy marketing plan T2:2 – Increase the variety of Academy offerings trainings based on the Dean’s and Director’s Needs Assessment Survey
0 Cost of Canvas Catalog & Mail Chimp Blasts
Spring 2015 Ongoing
In Progress Ongoing
Academy enrollment
Implementation of more Academy offerings
$25,000 ELT/
Spring 2015 Ongoing
Academy Manpower
Chapter 3: History of the MSVCC Strategic Plan
On September 8, 2003, Dr. Howell Garner requested that a statewide committee be formed to establish a strategic plan for the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) consortia and for the state Network Support group. Representation from various professional groups and colleges across Mississippi were selected. The members of the MSVCC Strategic Planning Workgroup include:
Dr. Cheryl Thompson-Stacy, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Dr. David Durham, Hinds Community College
Ms. Ellene McCrimon, Itawamba Community College
Ms. Mitzi Johnson, North East Community College
Mr. Mark Smith, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Mr. J. P. McInnis, Copiah-Lincoln Community College, and
Mr. Jason Pugh, State Board for Community and Junior Colleges.
On November 10, 2003, the Distance Learning Coordinators (eLC) Association began working on the MSVCC strategic plan. The association first reviewed the existing mission statement and felt it appropriately defined the purpose of the MSVCC consortia. The association next developed a three-year plan comprised of five primary strategic initiatives: training, technology, quality, support, and administration. The five strategic initiatives chosen will serve as the foundation for ensuring that the MSVCC can continue to support offering high quality educational opportunities to constituencies who live within the various community and junior college districts in Mississippi and to others beyond those boundaries.
The purpose of that strategic plan was:
to provide high quality statewide training programs for personnel involved with the MSVCC consortium;
to provide a secure, stable, and scalable network infrastructure that supports all administrative and instructional goals;
to ensure the quality of courses developed and presented as a part of the Mississippi Virtual Community College; and
to provide online student and faculty support services; and,
to provide administrative structures within the consortium that will pursue the necessary steps to ensure an effective, efficient, quality, educational experience for all MSVCC students.
Members of the eLC Association were divided into sub-committees designed to develop goals and objectives for each strategic initiative. The members of each Planning Sub-Committee included:
Administration Sub-Committee : Ms. Audra Kimble, Holmes Community College; Ms. Ellene McCrimon, Itawamba Community College; Mr. Jason Pugh, State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (ADDED: Tish Stewart, Holmes Community College)
Training Sub-Committee : Ms. Susan Cumberland, East Mississippi Community College; Ms. Margaret Britt, Copiah-Lincoln Community College; Ms. Janice Poole, Pearl River Community College; and Mr. Mark Smith, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (ADDED: Andrea Scott, East Mississippi Community College; Laura Lofton, Copiah- Lincoln Community College) Technology Sub-Committee : Ms. Jennifer Leimer, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College; Mr. J. P. McInnis, Copiah-Lincoln Community College; Ms. Alicia Shows, Southwest Mississippi Community College; Mr. Robert Strawbridge, Mississippi Delta Community College (ADDED: Jackie Bailey-Hall, Mississippi Delta Community College)
Quality Sub-Committee : Curtis Kynerd, Hinds Community College; Letha Richards, Coahoma Community College; Hubert Yates, Meridian Community College
Support Sub-Committee : Mr. Jason Pugh, State Board for Community and Junior Colleges; Mr. Mark Smith, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College; Jennifer Wamsley, Northeast Mississippi Community College; Natalie Young, Northwest Community College (ADDED: Terri Windham, East Central Community College)
Each sub-committee broke their strategic initiative into one or more broad strategic goals. Each goal was then further defined into strategic objectives. Suggested responsible persons, potential costs, and suggested timelines, for completion of each strategic objective were developed. The sub-committees presented their work to the eLC Association for comment and review and through a consensus decision; the strategic plan was approved for submission to the MSVCC Strategic Planning Workgroup. After final approval of this strategic plan by the MSVCC Oversight Committee, the eLC Association will begin work on the operation plan that will be used to implement this strategic plan.
The ELC Association added the current vision statement and decided the focus of their strategic plan would be on four key areas: retention, quality education, support services and growth of the MSVCC.
In recent years, the Mississippi community college system has seen a tremendous increase in the use of eLearning and instructional technologies. These technologies are being utilized in all instructional venues and are not just limited to the online environment. In addition, the summer of 2013, the MSVCC transitioned its learning environment from Blackboard to Canvas, resulting in new and innovative ways to deliver instructional technology as well as creating a substantial financial savings. Therefore, the ELCs believed it was imperative to revisit the MSVCC Strategic Plan to better align MSVCC’s initiatives, goals, and objectives.
The MSVCC Strategic Plan was updated from a Microsoft Word document to an iBooks document and formatted as a Flipping Book digital book. In August 2017, it was converted back to a Word document due to the need for a printable version.
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