MSVCC Strategic Plan
Chapter 2: Committee Goals and Objectives
Section 1: Administration Committee Goals
A1: Increase support to the eLearning offices with regard to administrative, information, and instructional technologies.
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Job Description has been written but needs approval from ELCA & MACJC & MCCB The MSVCC Innovative Learning & Design Grant Program (MILD Grants) was implemented for the first time in FY15. Update 1: Added additional $5,000 with $3,000 required for PD; Update 2: Added $6,000 disbursement for President Elect for Annual eLearning PD
A1:1 – Explore options for additional, dedicated staff at the MCCB
Hired Chris Ryals as Program Specialist for eLearning
Hiring of additional staff at MCCB
$100,000 for salary & benefits
Fall 2015
A1:2 – Provide eLearning offices with monetary assistance in the form of mini-grants to provide support to faculty and staff via innovative learning opportunities, as well as design services and activities
This grant program will continue to provide additional monetary support to each colleges’ eLearning division as long as the budget allows.
$150,000 ($10,000 per institution); Update 1: $225,000 ($15,000 per institution); Update 2: $6,000
Spring 2015; Update 1: Spring 2016 ; Update 2: Summer 2016
Implementation of mini-grant process
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