MSVCC Strategic Plan
Section 4: Support Services Committee Goals
S1: Provide support services to online students and faculty using current and emerging technologies
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
Smarter- Proctoring was implement- ed statewide for all 15 colleges’ 55 testing centers the summer of 2015.
S1:1 – Adopt a proctored test management system
Implementation of proctored test management system
Smarter- Proctoring
Summer 2015
S1:2 – Recommend a revised formula for determining sufficient proctoring services S1:1 – Review and recommend the adoption of a mobile app for communica- tion for online students. S1:2 - Provide and maintain a public resources community that communicates services and
Update Policy & Procedure Manual with revised policy
Summer 2015
In Progress
Each college and the MSVCC are in the
Implementation of mobile app
BFAC Mobile App & Texting
process of launching their own
Summer 2015
mobile app and texting component.
Development of resource community
Fall 2015 Spring 2018
$1,000 to hire a course developer
programs available through
MSVCC for faculty and students
ELCA voted to adopt Refer Tutor Report as an additional feature of NetTutor. Plan to have it launched during Fall 2015.
S1:3 – Enhance the current tutoring system to include a referral process
Implementation of tutoring referral system
In progress Complete
Fall 2015
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