MSVCC Strategic Plan
Section 5: Training Committee Goals
T1: Provide relevant and current trainings through the MSVCC Academy for faculty and administrators.
Support and Success
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured?
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
T1:1 – Develop training on retention methods and use of retention tools strategies T1:2 – Develop training for test
Delivery of training
Fall 2015 Ongoing
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
Fall 2015 (pending implementa- tion of statewide system) Ongoing
scheduling system and virtual proctoring
Delivery of training
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
T1:3 – Develop training on proper instructional strategies, pedagogy and tools T1:4 – Provide Quality Matters rubrics, tools, and resources
Delivery of training
Fall 2015 Ongoing
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
Delivery of training
ELT/Academy manpower
In Progress
training for future QM Initiatives
Which Strategic Initiative does this support? (Success/Quality/Support/Growth)
Support and Quality
T2: Increase participation in statewide training.
Status In Progress/ Completed/ Ongoing
How will this be measured? Provide participation report and comparison of
Budget Considerations
Use of Results
T2:1 – Implement MSVCC Academy marketing plan T2:2 – Increase the variety of Academy offerings trainings based on the Dean’s and Director’s Needs Assessment Survey
0 Cost of Canvas Catalog & Mail Chimp Blasts
Spring 2015 Ongoing
In Progress Ongoing
Academy enrollment
Implementation of more Academy offerings
$25,000 ELT/
Spring 2015 Ongoing
Academy Manpower
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