MSVCC Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
Mission Statement
The mission of the Mississippi Virtual Community College is to provide educational opportunities to constituencies who live within the various community and junior college districts in Mississippi and to others beyond those boundaries. The mission includes providing access to instructional offerings through advanced technologies for those individuals who currently cannot take advantage of the offerings of the community and junior college through traditional means and to those individuals who are seeking alternative educational delivery systems.
College instruction has traditionally been offered to those individuals who appear at the door of an institution of higher learning, present some evidence of having met certain criteria for admission, complete the necessary forms, pay their money, meet classes at prescribed times, places, etc. There are many people in Mississippi who cannot attend college for various reasons of finance, travel, family constraints, work schedules, etc. In a number of cases, these individuals are capable of improving their capability to earn a livelihood if provided access to higher education opportunities. There is a need to provide educational opportunities for individuals who cannot physically attend classes in accordance with time and place constraints as traditionally applied to the typical institution of higher learning. This need can be met to some level of satisfaction by offering courses and services by various means of distance learning.
Vision Statement
The purpose of the strategic plan is to guide the eLearning Association in achieving its vision for the current cycle period (usually four years). Our vision for this strategic cycle is to expand opportunities for student success in online courses by utilizing emerging technologies to accommodate a variety of learning styles, creating more robust online communities, increasing focus on student services, and growing program offerings while ensuring integrity and promoting the benefits of the MSVCC. Focus will be on quality, success, support, and growth .
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