Professional Licensure and State Authorization Process Guide
which colleges offer each program, as well as which college will serve as lead reviewer, is located in the Professional Licensure Canvas course under the Sharing Circle Module. Timeline Upon request by the U.S. Department of Education or MCCA SARA, the institution must provide the disclosure process used to determine the licensure and certification requirements and the process for identifying student location. Each college must have a defensible process for maintaining and reporting professional licensure and certification disclosure. The process must include regular review of licensure and certification information and updating of webpage information. Mississippi’s community colleges, in conjunction with the MCCB, will adhere to the following annual review process. February: Licensure Program Liaison and SARA Applications • The MCCB will prepare a Licensure Program Liaison (hereinafter referred to as Liaison) spreadsheet (Appendix A) where colleges will self-identify the individual who will serve as the college’s Liaison and primary point of contact for the purpose of collaborating on professional licensure compliance. • Each college will list the individual to represent its college to receive and respond to correspondence related to the professional licensure review process. The Liaison will be responsible for disseminating information related to professional licensure to the applicable members of his or her institution. The MCCB recommends that a specific position be identified as the point of contact for instances of personnel changes. • The Liaison will prepare a list of programs leading to licensure (Appendix B) for their institution. The list should include the CIP Number . • MCCA SARA applications are due to the State Portal Entity (SPE) designee. Once all 15 applications have been received by the SPE, the MCCB will receive an invoice and issue payment to the MCCA on behalf of the institutions. March: Updates and Program Lead Assignments • The MCCB will request that each college’s Liaison submit the list of programs that lead to licensure for their college via a Canvas course assignment upload. • The MCCB will compile the list of programs that lead to licensure into one document and distribute it to the Liaisons for validation and review. • The MCCB will update the Professional Licensure and Compliance Canvas Course. • Preferably in conjunction with the Creating Futures through Technology Conference, the MCCB will host a Professional Licensure and State Authorization Compliance Meeting. o The MCCB will provide applicable updates relating to professional licensing and state authorization.
Professional Licensure & State Authorization Process Guide
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