Workforce Project Policies


School: ___________________________________________________

Date: ________________________

Industry Name: _________________________________________

Project # ____________________

1. Copy of the project, plus modifications and reimbursements

Yes / No / Not

Copy of original project Copy of ALL modifications Show reimbursement requests

  

2. Copy of Memorandum of Agreement available for review, signed

Yes / No / Not

 Project Manager/Workforce Director  Company Representative (if it is an external project)

3. Commodities (invoices) matching reimbursement requests

Yes / No / Not

 INVOICE totals should match request  Copy of check from business office

4. Documentation of how expendable commodities are tracked

Yes / No / Not

 Show some sort of tracking of location, date “in” and date “out” and name of person who has it

5. Equipment (invoices) match reimbursement request and itemization in project Yes / No / Not  INVOICE totals should match request  Copy of check from business office

6. Contractual Services and agreement with instructors (available)

Yes / No / Not

 Contracts for instructors should be available in file along with salary verification.

7. Evaluation of training by students / trainees – class name and Instructor name Yes /No/ Not  Evaluation sheets should have class name and instructor(s) listed


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