Workforce Project Policies
School: ___________________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Industry Name: _________________________________________
Project # ____________________
1. Copy of the project, plus modifications and reimbursements
Yes / No / Not
Copy of original project Copy of ALL modifications Show reimbursement requests
2. Copy of Memorandum of Agreement available for review, signed
Yes / No / Not
Project Manager/Workforce Director Company Representative (if it is an external project)
3. Commodities (invoices) matching reimbursement requests
Yes / No / Not
INVOICE totals should match request Copy of check from business office
4. Documentation of how expendable commodities are tracked
Yes / No / Not
Show some sort of tracking of location, date “in” and date “out” and name of person who has it
5. Equipment (invoices) match reimbursement request and itemization in project Yes / No / Not INVOICE totals should match request Copy of check from business office
6. Contractual Services and agreement with instructors (available)
Yes / No / Not
Contracts for instructors should be available in file along with salary verification.
7. Evaluation of training by students / trainees – class name and Instructor name Yes /No/ Not Evaluation sheets should have class name and instructor(s) listed
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