Workforce Project Policies

8. Sign in Sheets

Yes / No / Not

 ORIGINALS not copied sign in sheets  Should be signed by instructor  Dated  Course name listed  Course start and end time

9. Class attendance sheets (signed and dated)  ORIGINALS not copied sign in sheets  Should be signed by instructor  Dated  Course name listed  Course start and end time

Yes / No / Not

10. Demographic information on trainees

Yes / No / Not

 Can be listed on evaluation sheets or as a different form but should be available at the time of audit

11. Written documentation monitoring the project and the instructor

Yes / No / Not

 10% of ALL projects should have written monitoring of the project and instructor

12. Request for reimbursement matching the instructor’s training hours, rate of pay per hour & fringe benefits and assessment hours Yes / No / Not  We will reimbursed off of sign in sheets ONLY  Pay sheet should have hourly rate, # of hours, and signature of instructor

13. Documentation of travel expenses

Yes / No / Not

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14. Site visit of local industry in the community college district for customer satisfaction feedback (optional)

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