Workforce Project Policies
8. Sign in Sheets
Yes / No / Not
ORIGINALS not copied sign in sheets Should be signed by instructor Dated Course name listed Course start and end time
9. Class attendance sheets (signed and dated) ORIGINALS not copied sign in sheets Should be signed by instructor Dated Course name listed Course start and end time
Yes / No / Not
10. Demographic information on trainees
Yes / No / Not
Can be listed on evaluation sheets or as a different form but should be available at the time of audit
11. Written documentation monitoring the project and the instructor
Yes / No / Not
10% of ALL projects should have written monitoring of the project and instructor
12. Request for reimbursement matching the instructor’s training hours, rate of pay per hour & fringe benefits and assessment hours Yes / No / Not We will reimbursed off of sign in sheets ONLY Pay sheet should have hourly rate, # of hours, and signature of instructor
13. Documentation of travel expenses
Yes / No / Not
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14. Site visit of local industry in the community college district for customer satisfaction feedback (optional)
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