MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


NEW BUSINESS a. Change of Grade Form – Audra Leverton. The Black/White copy is our current grade change form. You will notice that it shows that faxes are acceptable. This is a problem at HINDS. The recommended changes are Course Title & Section #, rather than course ID, Term code, e- signature, email rather than fax, and removal of LDA. Tish stated that if someone is going to get a W, we will need an LDA. Alicia said while we are doing this make the name bigger and the grade column smaller. Audra will make the changes, email to everyone and add to the community site. Audra Leverton made the motion to accept the changes and Alicia Shows seconded the motion. The grade change form has been approved with the recommended changes. b. Academic Deans Meeting – Alicia Shows. The Academic Deans Association would like a report done on MSVCC. This report is a result of some things that the Deans didn’t realize were occurring at some institutions. For instance, there were some reports that students were enrolled in courses at away institutions that were then told that they were not allowed into the course, that the course was only for local students. Another example is by only filling the course with your students and not opening seats for the rest of the MSVCC. Alicia asked if there was anything that the group would like to provide that she can add to her report in April. The purpose of this report is to give the academic deans a historical perspective of the MSVCC as well as policies and procedures. Our MSVCC policy also states that we are to pull in away college courses when applicable. We are in violation when we sign the policy stating that we will accept your courses, but then do not pull them in. Audra added that the policy states that all courses should initially be opened to 50% of the seats. She added that HINDS does not allow them to make seats available until after registration begins at HINDS. The current MSVCC Calendar runs through spring 2010. We would like to get the summer 2010 dates approved by the Deans Association. The recommendation made last month was to begin summer 2010 courses on Memorial Day (Monday, May 31, 2010). Tish mentioned that she would like to request that the colleges take the same spring break, as we had this spring. The fact that all colleges were on spring break at the same time helped with proctored testing, etc. c. Student name appearing on Blackboard – Julia Parker had to be out due to high school day at Co-Lin today. She sent an email earlier this week concerning students taking proctored exams and ensuring that they are logging in as themselves. . Her question was whether we could ensure that their names appeared at the top of the screen. Terry stated that he and Christian would talk with Phil about this issue. SBCJC BUSINESS – Christian Pruett a. Wimba – Aaron Bond. Aaron asked that we complete a survey on Wimba administrative training. Terry Pollard will email this survey to the DLC association following this meeting. The survey can also be found the DLC meeting archive.



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