MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

d. Support Committee: Audra Leverton. Beginning July 1 st textbook information (ISBN and Price) must be posted within course listing. This is part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Tish stated that Dr. Cox, stated they are required to put in the publication.. i. Textbook issue adding a field for price in the Enrollment Tool. The change is required for all courses not just online. Jennifer Leimer stated she is curious about textbook rental. How will this information be implemented? Tish stated Holmes will create a link with ISBN, pricing, etc. Audra suggested this should be added to the Agenda at Creating Futures. e. Administration Committee: Tish Stewart will meet on the Wednesday Feb, 17 th to update the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and etc. Election guidelines will be clear and dates will be set. Tish will provide the updated information at the Creating Futures Conference meeting in March.


Learning Circle: a. April: Jackie Bailey Hall b. May: Jennifer Leimer c. June: Holly Melvin


Open Forum: Terry Pollard sent a survey related to MSVCC Academy courses.


Future Meetings a. Wednesday, March 3 rd – Creating Future at 5:00pm

b. Thursday, April 8 th c. Thursday, May 6 th


Adjournment at 1:00pm.

March 4 th - 6 th

Creating Future Through Technology Conference- Biloxi, MS

March 22 nd

Courses built and ready to be offered in Enrollment Tool

March 29 th

MSVCC Registration for Summer and Fall term

April 2 nd

Withdrawal Deadlines

April 30 th

Online Spring Semester Ends

May 3 rd

Grade are due at Noon

May 31 st

Summer classes Begin

July 9 th

Last day to withdraw with a “W”

July 23 rd

Online Summer Semester Ends


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