MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

bookstores have a PDF listing somewhere that we could link to in the ET. Holly said all NE books and prices are listed on their bookstore site and there is no need to be in ET. Hinds bookstore said that they use the information listed from the ET to order the books. Christian asked why, if the bookstore managers price on the textbook, how are you going to find that information to put it in the ET, and that puts a lot of accountability on ourselves. See . This is an example of how Holmes will make this happen.

Audra will type up a proposal to see if it is possible. Then we will vote as a group.

f. Bb 9 Training. Scott has been using Wimba in Bb 9 for over a year and there is no issue with the connector. Jenny submitted a ticket to pronto app share, which has been resolved. There was a parature ticket for port expectations for iPrism. That information will also be published in an email from Terry. We have the staging server now, which should give a lot of playground course ability. The rac Staging server will be available by the middle of April, which will be a mirror of our production. They are planning on brining the system down mid March, but mid April is a worst case scenario. There were some questions about training materials. They will take all training materials provided and will be provided in a playground course on the staging server. You can use these materials for your training, but should not be printed and freely distributed. This is part of our Bb license agreement. This is for us to use for training our faculty. Keep these documents password protected in Bb and make only available to our faculty completing training. Once we get the rac staging server, faculty should be able to log in as they do in production. Will give you the capability to do screenshots and playground shells. Terry said that he would be able to email those to DLC and those could be provided for faculty during training, but cannot present using materials at conferences. Tish asked how many people would be interested in coming to Holmes to train for a couple of hours using Bb 9. She would like a hands-on on both classroom and system admin. Christian said that there are a couple of issues. We are at a point where Wade is gone. Academic suite support is gone. When we get training, we have to find someone who is familiar with our system and customization. It may cost up to $15,000 to get a couple of hours worth of training. He is not sure if this is worth it. He would also need to know the number of us who would be interested in attending. Tish said that they will be doing a big push this summer on training for Bb 9. She isn’t traveling anywhere so that the money can go toward their training. She feels that it would be worth it to have this type of training. We also have to work on our branding. Terry said that we have to look at the domains, then tabs/tab groups, modules, etc. Terry said that he felt that we could do a lot of this training if they focus on these things for internal training. Tish recommended the possibility of even a web-ex with all of us in the same room. Christian said that the first week that the system comes back up, we will likely need to make changes to branding, etc. That’s why it is import to go ahead and do your summer templates so that everything looks as close to 8.5 as possible. If you go ahead and create now, you will have to recreate all of them to get the Bb 9 look and feel. He said that you may also want to roll out


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