MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

summer/fall as is and then breakout the Bb 9 bells and whistles in spring. Terry said that one good thing that Audra did was put out a calendar that provided all of the listings of training, etc. for the entire semester. Bb9 is not changing as much as we are anticipating it changing. The only difference is functionality of some of the tools. Dr. Jenkins said that even if we had a day of working together, he may feel better. That way we can learn from one another. Several schools have mentioned that they have had issues with the branding. Christian will send out a survey so that we can get an idea of what generalized training we need that would help develop training. Keri stated that when we updated Bb last time, we had a detailed spreadsheet for testing on the rac environment. If we could do that together, that will show us what is not working properly. We need to come up with the things to test while we are waiting on rac. Old Business a. Policy and Procedures manual. Tish provided everyone present with the new Policies and Procedures manual. Terry, Christian, Jennifer Powell, Tish, and LaMetrius met the week after the DLC meeting. They made all of the ELA changes to the policies and procedures manual. Please review and let us know of any changes that you have. We would like to finalize this on our April meeting. If you have changes, please let Christian know so that he can update the copy. The final copy will be provided in May. On page 50, we made some changes. We had changed the elections for Sept. to go into effect during October. It was difficult to be the President and over bootcamp. We have decided to go back to the original elections dates and election procedures. Julia asked if there was something in the policies and procedures manual about the student only contacting their home campus. Jennifer said that she didn’t know if it was in the policies, but it has always been that communication is done between DLC and DLC. Christian said that this brings out a good point. He said that it would be easier for DLC to talk to DLC. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a policy, but maybe an unwritten rule. We all need to be very responsive to one another’s questions/concerns. If another school is non-responsive, contact Christian. Keri asks what happens when a student contacts you and you help those students. Jennifer Leimer said that on page 51 when it talks about voting, it is separate from the election of officers. Does this need to be adjusted for those times when we have to vote by email. The eLA executive group would like to see changes on several rules/policies during the April meeting. b. Strategic Plan manual. Tish also provided a copy of this to attendees. Please review pages 12 and 13. These were changes requested by Chris Square. We would like all of the committees to go back and review your goals and set final goals. This will also be finalized in April. Please have breakout sessions prior to the April meeting to update this information. If you have ideas on the front cover, please forward. c. Elections. The eLA executive group would like to conduct the elections in May and take over in August. The president-elect will still be responsible for planning boot camp. We would like to take nominations and elections in May at a face-to-face meeting. All nominations will be taken in May, vote via paper ballot, and the calculations will be provided on that date.



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