MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

d. Snapshot. Tish said that snapshot is not that big of an issue because it is only looking for changes each time that it runs. What will be a big deal is in May when we build our new classes and the import/export/course copies occur. We will have to come up with a way for the large schools to complete the uploads one at a time. You may have to give some breaks and do complete departments at certain times, so that the individual requests may be able to go through. No snapshot or identity manager will process during the upgrade. Christian would like to purge anything older than two years in Bb. So if there was anything created prior to fall 2008 (summer 2008) we could archive that to an external hard drive. This file would be kept at SBCJC. This is part of the reason why we experience problems with course copy/import/export. He will send Sean our prefixes so that these can be removed from our databases. This will also help with the upgrade. Keri asked if this would affect some of the training courses that do not have the course prefixes. He said that Sean would look at the date created/modified or courses that have not been entered in a while. Holly Melvin made the motion to archive anything summer 2008 and before; Phyllis Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried. a. Issues during the meeting 1) New Office. One of the issues was following procedure during meetings. We would like to add another office, such a parliamentarian so that we follow the meeting appropriately. 2) Get one thing done per meeting. Tish really enjoyed the meeting with all of the ET issues. We were able to accomplish these issues in one meeting. Ive believes that he will be able to have all of these tasks completed before spring break. She felt that this meeting had a lot of meat. She would like one large item/theme to accomplish at each meeting. Jennifer Leimer said that she feels that this is a great idea, we need a pool of ideas and prioritize so that we are aware of the issue to tackle before the meeting. 3) Don’t work on outside items during meeting. Several people have brought this to Tish’s attention. When you come to an ELA meeting, come with the ELA mindset and contribute to the meeting. Please do not work on outside tasks during these meetings. If you get a phone call from your President or Dean, then certainly take those calls; otherwise let’s give one another undivided attention.


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4) Have one person per college identified to make motions and seconds. At the beginning of the meeting we need to identify who, from the college that brings more than one person, will make a motion, who will second, and who will vote.

b. May Proctor Meeting – Audra Leverton. The location is Greenville (Rankin County Campus) on May 17 th . She will provide everyone with a map. We need to establish a time for that meeting. The meeting will be from 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m. The DLCs should also come with the proctors. Christian will send an email and needs a headcount for lunch. They will also send out a survey for discussion points. c. Standardized Course Buttons – Derrix Betts. This information was discussed during the October 2009 bootcamp. We all agreed to disagree on the actual names of the buttons or links. Most of ours are similar in nature.


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