MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Christian Pruett will attend the Academic Deans and Career/Tech Deans meeting. This should help streamline communication. Alicia Shows will be in charge of developing the short term course schedule.

Christian asked if communication has improved between eLCs and State Board. Alicia asked that the question be tabled until after grades have been submitted and the upgrade completed.

Beverlin Givens will be out of the office on medical leave. Please send all reinstatement requests to Christian Pruett.

State Board will attempt to not have all of the MSVCC staff out of the office at the same time on OCR audits. Denise Wally can be used as a contact person when the MSVCC staff is not available. Denise is the secretary to Debra West, Deputy Executive Director at State Board.

Instructor of the Year - The nominations for instructor of the year will have to be resubmitted. Christian will contact the eLCs when the site is ready.

Changes to Enrollment Tool – Request for changes to the ET need to go through Beverlin or Christian. Requested changes were not made because of unforeseen circumstances with the audit manual. The new audit process should be fully implemented prior to the start of the summer term. Rosters will be locked at the 8 th week. eLCs will have access to reinstate students as needed.

New USDOE Regulation - The regulation requires colleges that offer online classes to students in other states to get approval from those states. Christian has been working with SREB and the Attorney General’s office to see what needs to be done. MSVCC’s argument is that we do not market our classes to students in other states. MSVCC was created for Mississippi students. The goal is State Board will complete the applications on behalf of all fifteen community colleges.

SREB Indicators Report - Terry provided a copy of the 2009-2010 Indicators Report.

Growth Chart- Terry Pollard is interested in comparing MSVCC to the virtual program of the state of New York. They are similar in structure. He requested information regarding the growth of eLearning staff since the inception of MSVCC.


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